Get to Know Miss Mary Mack
Saw this on another blog (shout out to MISS SHINE) and thought I'd do a couple so ya'll can get to know a little about me (like there's a 'yall' yet LOL)
What’s your middle name?~~~ Marie
How big is your bed? ~~~ Queen
What are you listening to right now?~~~ Back to Black (Amy W.)
What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone number?~~~ 2183
What was the last thing you ate?~~~ Baked Salmon (thanks Bae)
Last person you hugged?~~~ Brad
How is the weather right now? ~~~ Not sure, been inside all day and MN is more bipolar than a confused bear! <== see what I did there *hifive*
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?~~~ Brad
What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? ~~~ height
Favorite type of food?~~~ Soul, duh O.o
Do you want children?~~~ Maybe
Do you drink?~~~ Excessively
Ever get so drunk you don’t remember the entire night?~~~ About 5 times a week
Hair color?~~~ natural: black... now: blonde
Eye color?~~~ black
Do you wear contacts/glasses?~~~ Glasses
Favorite holiday?~~~ Flag Day (June 14th) helps that 'tis my birthday
Favorite season?~~~ Summer
Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?~~~ unfortunately
Last movie you watched?~~~ Hall Pass
What books are you reading?~~~ None :( <<that's a first>>
Piercings?~~~ ears... had tongue, but got rid of it :/
Favorite movie? ~~~Crooklyn, 5 Heartbeats, and Friends (even though it's a show, so what! bite me)
Favorite college football team?~~~ None, but I bleed purple for my VIKINGS!!!!
What were you doing before filling this out?~~~ Geeking b/c I posted from my phone
Any pets? ~~~ No please.
Dogs or cats?~~~ Again, no for 1000 Alex!
Favorite flower?~~~ Tiger Lily
Have you ever loved someone?~~~ Too many times (kidding, there is no such thing as loving too much)
Who would you like to see right now?~~~ Kabiru, Alych, Regina , Daron and Brad... but only if they’re all together
Have you ever fired a gun?~~~ Nope
Do you like to travel by plane?~~~ Yes, it's so relaxing.
Right-handed or Left-handed?~~~ Right
If you could go to any place right now where would you go?~~~ Bahamas
Are you missing someone?~~~ Yes
Do you have a tattoo?~~~ Yeah... 5 and counting!
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?~~~ What is a Saturday morning? I'm usually hungover until about 3pm
Are you hiding something from someone?~~~ Always
Are you 18?~~~ nah, 25
What do you do before you go to bed?~~~ Damn, you ask a lot of questions! This interview is over.
So everyone <<and by everyone I mean Me, Myself, and I>> did you find any of this helpful in getting to know the foolishness that is MissMaryMack any better?
And if you care to share anything about yourself, feel free.
Labels: intros
At August 31, 2011 at 11:54 AM ,
Abby said...
lol, I love stuff liked this ;) Following! Follow back?
At September 3, 2011 at 12:11 PM ,
Ag said...
I am loving your openness. And being that I am in England right now I miss American food, esp. Greens, none in the UK. I can make just everything else but that!!! And the mac and cheese isn't the same when I make it because of difference in cheese variety. AS you can see I'm a food lover!
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